London, Fostering Skills | Business Groups | LCCI - LCCI
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  • 1/3LCCI urges all parties involved in the current strikes to come up with a solution to get our world-class transport system back on track.LCCI urges all parties involvedRead more
  • 2/3Sadiq Khan must work with businesses for economic stability and growth.Sadiq Khan must work with businessesRead more
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London, Fostering Skills, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

This group brings together industry, education and training around the needs of London business across skills, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The Committee contributes to and informs LCCI’s policies, supports the Chamber in representing key challenges and opportunities, and shares best practice across these critical themes. 

Man working

About the Skills, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group

The group works to preserve London’s role as a city for entrepreneurs, responds to the changing nature of work, and encourages collaboration across London’s business community. The Committee aims is to drive transformation, leverage opportunities for new ways of working, and strives to create an environment for innovative businesses to share their expertise for cross-sector learning.

News and Updates

Developing Skills and Qualities for First-Time Managers

Developing Skills and Qualities for First-Time Managers

A manager requires a new set of skills and qualities, so how do you develop these and introduce them into your working day? Impact, a leading experiential learning company, offer their insights on leadership development for first-time managers in the latest issue of London Business Matters.

Hospitality Roundtable

Hospitality Roundtable

On Wednesday 21 February, we hosted the first in a new series of roundtables intended to develop practical solutions to the soft skills shortages facing London businesses. This discussion focussed on the hospitality sector and brought together a consortium of industry leaders, policymakers, and educators. Despite being one of London's largest sectors and a key driver of economic prosperity, the hospitality industry faces acute talent shortages exacerbated by the pandemic and changing workforce habits.

The Role of AR, VR and XR in Business Today – How Mixed Reality is Transforming Education and Training Online

The Role of AR, VR and XR in Business Today – How Mixed Reality is Transforming Education and Training Online

Led by industry expert Vallikat Peethamber, Managing Director of Tasseltip Technology and Business Advisory services, this interactive session offers invaluable insights into the impact of AR, VR, and XR on modern business practices. Learn about the current and future state of mixed reality technologies and how they can benefit you and your business. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and harness the full potential of AR, VR, and XR.

Mayor's Jobs and Skills Business Partnership

Mayor's Jobs and Skills Business Partnership

It was great to welcome the Deputy Mayor for Business, Rajesh Agrawal and the members of the Mayor's Jobs and Skills Business Partnership to the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We discussed the actions that need to be taken to ensure all Londoners have the skills and confidence to apply for the many jobs that are being advertised across the capital.

New Carbon Impact Project initiative by University of Westminster

New Carbon Impact Project initiative by University of Westminster

The Carbon Impact Project is an initiative by University of Westminster’s Employability Strategy, to embed work based and placement learning activities into the undergraduate curriculum. As part of this scope, undergraduate courses offer students the opportunity to gain employability related experience.

Visit LCCI's Skills and Employment Hub

Colleagues working

Access Support

Attracting and retaining people with the rights skills is critical for business growth and productivity. Our Skills and Employment Hub is designed to support businesses in attracting and retaining staff with the right skills across the capital. Learn about the skills landscape, access support for careers and skills development and understand opportunities with apprenticeships.

Find Out More

Meet the London, Fostering Skills, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee

The committee, chaired by Anthony Impey, Chief Executive Officer, Be the Business, contributes to and informs LCCI’s policies, supports the Chamber in representing key challenges and opportunities, and shares best practice across these critical themes. This group connects industry, education and training around the needs of London business across skills, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Anthony Impey, Chief Executive Officer, Be the Business

LCCI's London, Fostering Skills, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programme Partner

  • Middlesex University

    Middlesex is a global university with almost 40,000 students across three linked campuses in London, Mauritius and Dubai. We offer unique opportunities for people to work, study and create change.

Join London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
From innovative SMEs to global corporations, becoming a member of the Chamber provides businesses with a wealth of opportunities across London. Raise your profile at our premier B2B events. Grow your network through facilitated introductions or connect with like-minded professionals through our free app.

Skills and Employment Hub

Skills and Employment Hub

LCCI has a history of supporting skills development for London’s businesses through advocacy, business support schemes and other initiatives. On this hub, you can learn about the skills landscape, access support for careers and skills development, understand apprenticeships, engage with other businesses and discover different ways to access the talent pipeline.



LCCI champions the needs of the education sector in London. Membership of LCCI provides businesses from the education sector with access to a comprehensive networking programme and profile raising opportunities. We also support our members by advocating for and on behalf of London’s higher education sector.