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  • 1/3LCCI urges all parties involved in the current strikes to come up with a solution to get our world-class transport system back on track.LCCI urges all parties involvedRead more
  • 2/3Sadiq Khan must work with businesses for economic stability and growth.Sadiq Khan must work with businessesRead more
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London Chamber of Commerce and IndustryLondon Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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Policy and Public Impact

LCCI is the capital’s most representative business organisation – with members spanning small to multinational organisations, we reflect the broad interests of London businesses to policymakers, decision makers and opinion formers at every level.

Through research, analysis and strategic engagement, we tackle the pressing issues facing the city's business community, influencing and advocating for policies and initiatives that bolster London's standing as the best city in the world for business. We draw on our members’ experience and expertise to contribute regularly to consultations, inquiries and debates.

Big Ben and westminster bridge in London

About LCCI's Policy and Campaigning Work

Our role is to explore and highlight issues impacting the continued economic growth, success and prosperity of Global London. We aim to create an environment that aids and supports the success and growth of London business – from workforce skills to infrastructure and connectivity across the capital.

For more than 140 years LCCI has been actively lobbying for key London developments. We seek to positively influence policy, legislation and regulation at the local and national levels, with regular engagement with key stakeholders in City Hall, local government, Parliament and Whitehall.

What we do to champion London's business community

 Representing the needs of London business

Representing the needs of London business

LCCI actively represents the needs and views of London business in the media. For all media enquiries, or to arrange a media interview during office hours, contact the press team on +44 (0)20 7203 1897 or email press@londonchamber.co.uk

In-house research and surveys for London business

In-house research and surveys for London business

Our research can cover any issue of relevance to London business; including skills, diversity, housing, transport infrastructure and exports.

Events and Briefings

Events and Briefings

We regularly run events, briefiings and roundtables with key people from politics, media and industry. Speakers have included the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Mayor of London, Lord Mayor, departmental ministers, newspaper editors and leaders of strategic infrastructure projects. We also host report launches and panel discussions to discuss key topics relevant to London businesses.

Quarterly Economic Survey

Quarterly Economic Survey

The Capital 500, sponsored by haysmacintyre, provides a quarterly snapshot of London’s economy. The results are fed into HM Treasury, the Mayor of London, the Bank of England and other influential stakeholders.

 All-Party Parliamentary Group

All-Party Parliamentary Group

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for London as a Global City was established to bring together parliamentarians and London business to promote London’s global position. LCCI provides the APPG’s secretariat.

Ukraine Support

Ukraine Support

We are continuing our support of Ukrainian refugees who are in London looking for work or who are interested in setting up their own business. We are working with the Cabinet Office, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the International Chambers of Commerce. 

Skills and Employment

Skills and Employment

LCCI has a history of supporting skills development for London’s businesses through advocacy, business support schemes and other initiatives. On this hub, you can learn about the skills landscape, access support for careers and skills development, understand apprenticeships, engage with other businesses and discover different ways to access the talent pipeline.

Environment and Sustainability

Environment and Sustainability

LCCI is committed to supporting members of all sizes reduce their carbon emissions. We are providing a wide range of initiatives to help businesses on the road to net zero and tools to help businesses become greener.

Business Crime

Business Crime

LCCI is calling for a strategic approach to policing, and better funding allocation to the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police to employ the best and the most skilled officers London needs to prevent further crime.

Featured LCCI Policy Reports

Funding the Transition: Measuring Businesses’ Access to Sustainable Finance

Funding the Transition: Measuring Businesses’ Access to Sustainable Finance

This report examines the pivotal role of sustainable finance in facilitating the transition to a low-carbon economy, with a particular focus on its impact on London’s businesses. It provides a detailed analysis of the barriers that SMEs face in accessing green finance and offers targeted recommendations to bridge these gaps.

Capital 500: London Quarterly Economic Survey, Q3 2024

Capital 500: London Quarterly Economic Survey, Q3 2024

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Capital 500: London Quarterly Economic Survey, Q2 2024

Capital 500: London Quarterly Economic Survey, Q2 2024

The latest London Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) shows many encouraging signs of growth for London businesses in Q2. Domestic sales improved strongly, mirrored by an uptick in demand for exports. This no doubt underpinned an increase in cashflow for London firms, particularly for micro companies.

Savanta surveyed a total of 514 London business leaders between 7 May to 7 June 2024. All data were weighted to be representative of all London businesses by company size and broad industry sector.

Sponsored by: Haysmacintyre

Annual Policy and Public Impact Report 2023

Annual Policy and Public Impact Report 2023

While businesses across the city are essential in maintaining high level of competitiveness, they face threats on numerous fronts. LCC champions the interests of its members and engages with national and municipal policy makers to address the key issues they face. From a policy perspective, our role is to mitigate the impacts of economic challenges and help create a policy and regulatory environment conductive for sustainable growth. In 2023 LCCI campaigned on a plethora of issues. Read our impact report to find out more.

Capital 500: London Quarterly Economic Survey, Q1 2024

Capital 500: London Quarterly Economic Survey, Q1 2024

The latest findings from our Quarterly Economic Survey point to a steady – if slightly underwhelming – first quarter for London firms, as domestic demand eased. Cashflow appears to have declined for the first time in a year, while cost pressures for companies remain elevated for many London businesses. 

Savanta surveyed a total of 504 London business leaders between 6 February to 11 March 2024. All data were weighted to be representative of all London businesses by company size and broad industry sector.

Sponsored by: Haysmacintyre

Manifesto for the London Mayoral and London Assembly Elections 2024

Manifesto for the London Mayoral and London Assembly Elections 2024

The challenges facing whoever will be the Mayor and members of the London Assembly following the May 2024 election will be immense for Londoners and London’s business community. Find out more on the LCCI's manifesto for the London Mayoral and London Assembly Elections 2024.

Capital 500: London Quarterly Economic Survey, Q4 2023

Capital 500: London Quarterly Economic Survey, Q4 2023

The latest Capital 500 survey shows that London businesses demonstrated once again their entrepreneurialism and creativity with a boost in business confidence. This shows how the capital’s business community are at the forefront of driving the national economy forward. 

Savanta surveyed a total of 505 London business leaders between 19 October to 23 November 2023. All data were weighted to be representative of all London businesses by company size and broad industry sector.

Sponsored by: Haysmacintyre

London Business 1000

London Business 1000

LCCI and London Councils have published the London Business 1000 2023. This survey of over 1,000 London business leaders is an annual report, considering their views on a range of important issues. These include skills, apprenticeships, recruitment, devolution, business crime, and the path to net zero. The London Business 1000 2023 also shows the key asks of the next government from London businesses.

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