1/3LCCI urges all parties involved in the current strikes to come up with a solution to get our world-class transport system back on track.LCCI urges all parties involvedRead more
2/3Sadiq Khan must work with businesses for economic stability and growth.Sadiq Khan must work with businessesRead more
3/3Read the latest London Business Matters MagazineLondon Business Matters MagazineRead more
International trade documents for exports and imports are now even more important as the UK operates an independent trade policy. This update outlines information for exporters of goods following UK-EU trade deal.
Tier 4 restrictions came into effect in London on 20 December 2020. The Government intends to review restrictions every two weeks, with the next review taking place on 30 December.
Tier 2 restrictions: what they mean for London businesses
Lockdown restrictions across England will come to an end at 12:01am on 2 December, with a ‘tiered’ system resuming the same day. A review of the tier allocations will be undertaken every 14 days, with the first review to be completed by the end of 16 December.
Comprehensive Spending Review 2020: safeguarding London’s global position
This Spending Review comes at a critical time for London’s economy. Over the past 9 months the pandemic has forced the shutters down on many businesses, be that temporarily or permanently.
What the new lockdown restrictions mean for London businesses
The Government has announced that lockdown restrictions will apply to the whole of England from Thursday, 5 November. The new restrictions will last for four weeks, until Wednesday 2 December. The Government intends for the tiered system of restrictions to resume after this period.
Working from Home During Coronavirus – Some Tips and Links
A positive response to working from home in a crisis is critical to your mental health and wellbeing. Read useful tips from Heart of the City, LCCI staff and beyond.
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry participate in the London Strategic Coordination Group (SCG): Business Subgroup on COVID-19 business-related impacts. View our weekly coronavirus updates that we issue to the multi-agency resilience group.
LCCI responds to TfL’s Bakerloo Line Extension (BLE) consultation
With the capital’s population expected to reach around 10 million by 2030, London’s transport system will continue to face increased overcrowding and congestion. It is critical that London’s transport network continues to grow, and the Bakerloo Line Extension (BLE) has a vital role to play.
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) and Fragomen LLP co-hosted a seminar on 29 October to set out the steps employers can take to mitigate the risks and the contingency measures that can be put in place, in preparation for a possible no deal Brexit.
Export documents and Brexit – update for CO and ATA Carnet users
This page provides an update concerning documentation that may be used in international trade in case of a no-deal Brexit. Given the level of uncertainty surrounding the current negotiations, businesses are advised to ‘hope for the best and prepare for the worst’ i.e. gear up as far as possible for a no deal situation, be it on October 31 or after a delay of a matter of months. With regard to Certificates of Origin and ATA Carnets, the following should be noted.